Is #1

Whether you’re a model, creator or celebrity, we respect who you are. We signed Kira Conley, our first transgender model, for her self-assured uniqueness. Your identity is what has drawn us to you in the first place. The last thing we want is to see that special spark fade away!


We Love

Want to know our daily inspiration? It’s you. You’re the reason we do what we do. Nurturing meaningful relationships is why we get out of bed in the morning.


Is Good

Other people may have teased you about that unusual feature of yours or that wacky thing you do, but guess what? It’s time to toss your insecurities to the curb! At Dulcedo, we love confidence and unconventional looks and creativity. Perfection is boring anyways.


It’s All About

Responsibility is shared equally between you and Dulcedo. Your aspirations, your life goals or your doubts - keep us in the loop. We’re there for you, either to celebrate when you land a big job or to help you shake it off when your dream gig slips through your fingers.


Keep in

Our role is to guide you and make sure you reach your full potential. We’ll meet you at the office to provide you with feedback or at a hip coffee shop just to catch up. Two-way communication is at the top of our priority list.



You were scouted? Cool! Surely you have some unique skills and talents and you’re certainly not just another face in the crowd. We’re big-time lovers of diversity, just as much as we’re motivated by charisma, personality and distinctiveness.



Dulcedo started as an emerging agency. One step at a time, pumped up with resilience and a good sense of humour, we became what we are today - a major force in the fashion industry. That’s why we believe in the mission of accompanying the new creative generation in their professional growth. Fresh faces, emerging talents and up-and-coming influencers: we dig you.


The World is
Our Playground

We have offices in Montreal and Toronto, but our representation and reach are international, just like the influencers who choose to work with us. We represent everyone from up-and-coming nano influencers to those with fans in the millions and video views in the hundreds of millions.



We develop one-of-a-kind relationships with all our industry friends and partners. If there’s a happening in town, or online, you can be sure we know about it. We may also ask you to come along if we think there’s an opportunity for you to make new contacts.